Privacy Policy

How does the Enercap website use your data? Let’s run you through our privacy policy.

Non-personal information

In general, you can visit Enercap on the web without telling us who you are or revealing any information about yourself. Our web servers collect the domain names, not the email addresses, of visitors.

We may also collect and store other information about your visit on an anonymous, aggregate basis. This information may include the time and length of your visit, the pages you look at on our sites, and the site you visited just before coming to ours. We may record the name of your internet service provider, browser type, and country of origin. We use this information only to measure site activity and to develop ideas for improving our sites.

Personal information

For the purposes of this privacy policy, personal information is any information about an identifiable and/or identified individual, other than the person’s business title or business contact information, when used or disclosed for the purpose of business communications.

Personal information does not include anonymous or non-personal information (i.e., information that cannot be associated with or tracked back to a specific individual).

What personal information do we collect?

  • Name
  • Email address
  • Postal address
  • Telephone number

In addition to the above, personal information may also include any information provided to Enercap through web form, email, telephone, live chat or other communication methods, which is voluntarily disclosed during communication with us.

As a general rule, Enercap collects personal information directly from you. Where the personal information that we collect about you is held by a third party, we will obtain your permission before we seek out this information from such sources.

Enercap will only collect, process, or use personal information as far as is permitted or instructed by applicable law or regulatory requirements. Where permitted or required by applicable law or regulatory requirements, we may collect information about you without your knowledge or consent.

Why do we collect personal information?

This information is collected for the purpose of establishing, managing, or maintaining a contract or business relationship with Enercap. Such uses include:

  • For the delivery of newsletter services
  • To inform you about key product/company updates
  • To provision and provide Enercap service(s)
  • Delivery of contractual obligations


“Consent” is used as a legal basis for marketing campaigns not covered by a legitimate interest.

“Legitimate interest” is also utilized on a case-by-case basis for marketing campaigns. Legitimate interest assessments are performed for each campaign performed under a legal basis. Details of this assessment can be requested per campaign.

When do we disclose your personal information?

In consideration of local legislation, we may share your personal information with our employees, contractors, consultants, and other parties who require such information, to the extent necessary for them, to assist us with establishing, managing, and maintaining our relationship with you.

Personal information is only transferred by us to another country, including within Enercap, if this is required or permitted under the applicable data protection law, in particular, only in as far as a reasonable level of data protection is guaranteed in the recipient country.

Insofar, as we may share personal information with such parties both in and outside of your home jurisdiction, and as a result, your personal information may be collected, used, processed, stored, or disclosed in the United Kingdom, and in some cases, other countries. If imposed by the applicable law or regulatory requirements, the collecting, use, processing, storage, or disclosing and transferring, will only take place after obtaining the required permission by the respective authorities.

When we share personal information with such parties we typically require that they only use or disclose such personal information in a manner consistent with the use and disclosure provisions of this privacy policy.

In addition, personal information may be disclosed or transferred to another party (including to another member of the Enercap businesses outside of your home jurisdiction) in the event of a change in ownership of, or a grant of a security interest in, all or a part of Enercap through, for example, an asset or share sale, or some other form of the business combination, merger or joint venture, to the extent that such disclosure or transfer of personal information is required to complete the transaction and is permitted by the applicable data protection laws, and provided that such party is bound by appropriate agreements or obligations and required to use or disclose your personal information in a manner consistent with the use and disclosure provisions of this privacy policy unless you consent otherwise.

Further, your personal information may be disclosed:

As permitted or required by applicable law or regulatory requirements. In such a case, we will endeavor to not disclose more personal information than is required under the circumstances;

To comply with valid legal processes such as search warrants, subpoenas or court orders;

During emergency situations or where necessary to protect the safety of a person or group of persons; or

With your consent where such consent is required by law

We will only disclose personal information insofar as is permitted or required by applicable law or regulatory requirements. In any case, we will not disclose more personal information than is required under the circumstances.

Notification and consent

Privacy laws do not generally require Enercap to obtain your consent for the collection, use, or disclosure of personal information for the purpose of establishing, managing, or maintaining a contract. In addition, we may collect, use, or disclose your personal information without your knowledge or consent where we are permitted or required by applicable law or regulatory requirements to do so.

To the extent that your consent is required, we will obtain a positive indication from you that you consent to Enercap collecting, using, and disclosing your personal information for the purposes stated above (including any other purposes stated or reasonably implied at the time such personal information was provided to us).

Where your consent was required for our collection, use, or disclosure of your personal information, you may, at any time, withdraw your consent. All communications with respect to such withdrawal or variation of consent should be in writing.

How is your personal information protected?

Enercap will maintain physical, technical and procedural safeguards that are appropriate to the sensitivity of the personal information in question. These safeguards are designed to protect your personal information from loss and unauthorized access, copying, use, modification or disclosure.

How long is your personal information retained?

Except as otherwise permitted or required by applicable law or regulatory requirements, Enercap endeavors to retain your personal information only for as long as it believes is necessary to fulfill the purposes for which the personal information was collected (including, for the purpose of meeting any legal, accounting or other reporting requirements or obligations). After this period has passed your personal information will be removed within 1 year, except if law authorises, expressly or explicitly, a longer period or prescribes a shorter period. If destroying or erasing your personal information is not mandatory by law, we may make it anonymous such that it cannot be associated with or tracked back to you.

Updating your personal information

The information contained in our records must be both accurate and current. If your personal information happens to change during the course of your relationship with Enercap, please keep us informed of such changes.

Access to your personal information

You can ask to see the personal information that we hold about you. If you want to review, verify or correct your personal information, contact us.

When requesting access to your personal information, please note that we may request specific information from you to enable us to confirm your identity and right to access, as well as to search for and provide you with the personal information that we hold about you. Except if forbidden by the applicable law or regulatory requirements, we may charge you a fee to access your personal information; however, we will advise you of any fee in advance.

Your right to access the personal information that we hold about you is, in principle, absolute. However, there are instances where applicable law or regulatory requirements allow or require us to refuse to provide some or all of the personal information that we hold about you. If your personal information has been destroyed, erased, or made anonymous in accordance with our record retention obligations and practices, your right to access your personal information may be restrained.

If we cannot provide you with access to your personal information, we will endeavor to inform you of the reasons why, subject to any legal or regulatory restrictions.


“Cookies” are small pieces of information that are stored by your browser on your computer’s hard drive. Our cookies do not contain any personally identifying information. They only contain a secure identifying code that we use to match you to your personal information whenever you return to our site. Your personal information is never directly connected to nor stored on your computer but is accessed when we identify your cookie to provide you with a more personalized experience when visiting our site.

Enquiries or concerns?

If you have any questions about this privacy policy or concerns about how we manage your personal information, please contact by telephone, in writing or by email. We will endeavor to answer your questions and advise you of any steps taken to address the issues raised by you. If you are unsatisfied with our response, you may be entitled to make a written submission to the Privacy Commissioner applicable for your jurisdiction.