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Enercap’s revolutionary solution for electric vehicle (EV) charger.  Enercap’s solution is poised to set a new standard in electric vehicle (EV) storage. It outperforms competitors in terms of range, charge time, operating temperature range, lifespan, and environmental impact. With the longest range, quickest charge time, broadest temperature tolerance, extended lifespan, and minimal environmental footprint, Enercap aims to establish itself as the benchmark for EV storage solutions.

World’s first Graphene Encapsulated EV charger
EV monitoring Application
Wide temperature range -30 to 60C
Under 6 minutes EV fully charge
Stores Energy and disburses it at 10C rate
Offer charging options for any make of electric vehicle.
• 50kWh to Multi GigaWatt Hours of Storage
• Containerized charging station available ( both inside and outside charging station)
• Containerized solution ( 4MWH per 40’ft)
• Complete energy management solution up to 8 inputs ( solar, grid, wind, generator)
• Bi- directional to grid